Certification Exams
Exam Approval & Registration
For questions about test approval, please contact your program director or instructor.
For questions about test approval, please contact your program director or instructor.
Certification Exams by Teaching Certificate
Required TExES Exams by Certification Area
Most of the TExES exams are offered continuously via computer-administered testing (CAT) while a few select exams (BTLPT-Spanish, LOTE-Spanish and 7-12 ELAR) are only offered during specific test date windows (Limited-Administration CAT).
- Candidates being recommended for EC-6 certification after December 2020 will also be required to take and pass the new Science of Teaching Reading (STR) exam to be eligible for their teaching certificate. Additionally, the EC-6 Core Subjects #291 is being replaced with a new #391 exam.
- All new EC-6 Core Subjects testers beginning with Fall 20 will be required to take the #391 which will be available 1/1/2021.
- Former program completers who have not sought certification will need to take the STR exam if certification has not been awarded by 12/31/20, with the current #291 EC-6 Core Subjects exam only being good for certification purposes through December 31, 2022. New exams for all classroom certification areas are being developed and as they are implemented they will increase in cost from $120.00 to $140.00 each. New exams will include both multiple choice and constructed response questions which will require an increase in time to grade for score posting.
Certification Exam Fee Assistance
We don’t want money to prevent you from registering for your exams. Thanks to Lift High Foundations, students may apply for financial assistance to cover the costs of their teacher certification exams. Fill out the Fee Assistance Application and please return it to Kristy Anderson (kanderson@tamu.edu).
Exams for Teacher Education / Initial Programs
How it works: Step by step
- Acceptance to Teacher Education Program
- Teacher Education Program Provides Coursework & Training
- Senior Methods Semester
- Get Approved for Content Exams
- Student Teaching Semester
- Get Approved for Pedagogy & Professional Responsibility Exam
- Apply for Standard Certificate & Complete Fingerprinting
- Receive Bachelor’s Degree
- Teacher Education Program Recommends Candidate for Standard Certificate
Pedagogy & Professional Responsibilities (PPR) Exam
Submit the PPR Information Form to get approval.
To Register, create a Pearson User Account (effective September 1, 2018)
Must pass within 5 attempts to be eligible for a teacher certificate.
Supplemental Exams
Core Subjects EC-6 Exam and No Child Left Behind Requirements
The Department of Education requires specific certifications to pass a Core Subjects exam.
Affected certifications:
- Math/Science 4-8
- ELAR/Social Studies 4-8
- ELAR 4-8
- Special Education EC-12
According to TEA, passing the TExES Core Subjects EC-6 will meet this requirement.
Please note:
- Middle Grades certificates and the Core Subjects certificate are not given at the same time.
- Recommendations are only given to your specific content area concentration.
Approval for the ESL Supplemental Exam
Automatic approval for the following certificates:
- Generalist EC-6
- Special Education EC-12
- ELAR/Social Studies 4-8
Mathematics/Science 4-8 program may also be eligible. If they have completed the necessary coursework, have the advisor contact us for exam approval.
Instructions for Applying for Standard Certificate
- Go to the TEA website, http://www.tea.state.tx.us/, and select “TEASE & TEAL Secure Applications”
- Login through TEAL, using your Username and Password.
- Click on the word “Educator” under the Applications tab.
- You should now see your profile page in ECOS, which contains all of your demographic information. At this point, take the time to review your information for accuracy, paying special attention to your name, SSN, address (U.S. mail and electronic). Make sure every piece of information is accurate. If your name has changed, this page tells how to change it with TEA.
- Click on “Continue”
- In the menu on the left, click on “Applications”; then click on “Standard Certificate Texas Program”
- Read the requirements for applying for your Standard Certificate and click on “Apply for Certificate”
- Please review the “Applicant’s Affidavit” and “sign” by checking the Yes box
- At the bottom of the page, there are two questions that must be answered accurately.
- Have you ever been the subject of an arrest that has resulted in deferred adjudication, probation or a conviction? _____YES_____ NO
- Have you ever had a teaching certificate revoked, denied, suspended or subject to any sanctions in Texas or any other state? YES NO
- Click on the dropdown box at the bottom right and select Texas A&M University (University Based) as your Entity
- Be sure to check your mailing address for accuracy, then check the last box that verifies your mailing address
- After checking the form for accuracy, click on “Apply”
- The resulting page is a confirmation of the correct Entity. If you accidentally chose the incorrect Entity, click on “Re-Select”. If your choice was correct (Texas A&M University (University Based), click on “Continue”.
- The following windows lead you to the payment for your certificate. Payment is made electronically on the TEA website.
- You will be able to follow the progress of your certificate by logging into your Educator Profile on the TEA website. When the certificate is granted, it will be available for viewing on the Virtual Certificate site. All public schools have access to this information.
Exam-Prep Resources
240 Tutoring
240 Tutoring, an online test preparation program, is provided to students enrolled in educator preparation programs during testing semesters. This is the minimum test preparation provided on the College level, and supplements coursework to prepare students for TexES exams. The service is available to anyone outside of these semesters for a fee paid by student.
Science of Teaching Reading Exam
The Preparation Manual for Science of Teaching Reading (293) is now available on the Texas Educator Certification Examination Program website.
This preparation manual includes the STR examination framework and approaches to answering different question types.
TEA Study Tips
Make sure you do your best with these preparation recommendations and test-taking strategies.
Interactive Practice Exams
There is a free sample exam to see the format of the exam and program. For an additional fee, there are practice exams for specific content areas.
TExES Preparation Manuals
There is a manual for every certification exam that provides a breakdown of the exam, a list of domains and competencies that will be tested, strategies for answering selected-response questions, and sample exam questions with an answer key and rationales.
(1) Click on “Subscribe” (2) On the Subscription page, you will identify yourself as a student in the TAMU System and “Click Here” (3) Complete the form, select Texas A&M University and use your TAMU email address (4) A verification email will be sent to you and then you can “Register”
Free Practice Exams by Mometrix
Free practice exams by content area.
Free practice exams, study guides and tools.
Search for pre-made flashcards for specific content areas to prepare for certification exams.
Additional TEA training and resources
Preparation resources from the Texas Education Agency.